Reality sucks.
...Actually, let's add some U's to that for emphasis and try again.
Reality suuuuuuuuucks. Much better. Fantasy, on the other hand, is
almost without a question superior. Well, except for the obvious problem
that fantasy isn't real, fantasy is better. In a fantasy world, you can be
a tiny god and its no big thing. Eh, why think small? You could be a
BIG god, and its no big thing. In reality, you're lucky if you aren't the
bottom of the totem pole. In fantasy, you always get the girl. In
reality, you're more likely to get the shaft. In fantasy, riches, fame,
the big time...its yours. In reality, you're more likely to become
infamous than famous.
Think about it. You
ever see that video of the guy that was cleaning the elephant cage when the
elephant backed up? I don't know who got the bigger shock, the guy with
his head stuck up the elephant's butt or the elephant. Does anybody know
who he is (or even care)? Or what about the countless men whose only claim
to fame is that they were featured at one time or another on America's Funniest
Home Videos as they caught some blunt object between their legs (an area NOT
designed for catching ANYTHING)? Can anyone say that their dream is to
have THAT happen to them? All in all, infamy is basically one swift kick
to the genitals away!
As an example of the
opposite case, right now, I'm simultaneously imagining myself as the ruler of a
medium-sized island nation, a traveler on a starship, and a private investigator
in a Bogart-esque mystery. Why? Because I bloody can! That's
Of course...there's the
whole problem of the lack of reality in...non-reality. Reality just is,
and fantasy (unless you're imagination's growth was INCREDIBLY stunted) is
pretty much guaranteed not to happen. Me? Rule an island
nation? I barely rule my own bleeding house! The constant uprisings
by the rats in that "Room I Don't Go In" are enough to disrupt things,
let alone that phenomenon of the folded toilet paper in the bathroom (all I know
is that I didn't fold
it). All of this, I suppose, means that reality is actually the superior
of the two, not because its cooler, but because it kicks fantasy's scrawny
butt. And that, my fellow monkeys, suuuuuuuuucks.