Turkey for Everyone


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get this gear!



I'm sitting here in front of my computer on the night before Thanksgiving and...I get the feeling I should be thankful for SOMETHING.  Let's see, in the past year, I've managed to alienate about three hundred women that I didn't even know a year ago, turn another fine piece of transportation into a rolling junk heap, and just this past week I may have inadvertently insulted the President of the U of O.  All that and I'm now seeing that accursed Kathy Griffin Target commercial for about the fiftieth time tonight!  Why won't that stupid dog just attack her already?!?!?!   


Anyway, I think that I will go see a movie or two over Thanksgiving Break.  Maybe that SpyGame.  Looks like there'll be some shooting in that, and that's always something to be thankful for.  I, personally, am always filled with a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude when I see someone get pumped full of hot lead.  Especially when it's not me.  I'll probably breakdown and see Harry Potter, too.  I didn't read the book, so I'm not really excited about it, but I hear the new trailer for "Star Wars:  Episode II:  Attack of the Clones" is featured before it.  I really want to be excited about Episode II, but since they didn't kill Jar Jar Binks in "Phantom Menace", I'm afraid I'm going to hate myself after I see it.

Six times.

What I'm really looking forward to, though, is "Fellowship of the Ring", the first of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.  This is my kind of movie.  Its got action, its got adventure, and when I go to see it, there's guaranteed to be at least one person in the audience who's a bigger geek than I am.  

My kind of movie.  

Well, all my whining aside, I'd like to leave you with one thing that I'm really thankful for.  I'm thankful that this is the end.