Time Waits for No Man...er...Monkey


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In the winter of my discontent...ok, it was early spring...I met a girl.  She was beautiful, fun to be around and basically...not to use words that are too complicated...wow.  

Sounds like a great story, right?  I think so.  Sadly, though, as often as I start that story, it immediately takes this turn: "And I never saw her again."  


Its not like I'm just hurting for a date.  I mean, how hypocritical of me would it be to start into THAT now, eh?  Especially after that last post?  No, what I'm saying is that I find it a little irritating that every time I find someone I'm interested in, I can't seem to get it going for reasons that at least SEEM to be completely out of my control.  I mean, I don't date much by design.  I want to be all-into a relationship or I don't want in at all.  This is a pretty...limiting policy when you're pool is small like the U of O, so I can't help but be a little irritated that when something looks like it could be great but I suddenly, and not for lack of trying, end up completely out of synch with the girl.  

...As much as I run my mouth, you'd think I'd at least get the chance to offend her beyond all repair!  (I was laughing as I typed that...partially because its true and partially because it looks really pathetic written out)  

Anyway, I'm not particularly bothered by my recent case of single-ness.  I just wish that I wasn't getting notice of so many restraining orders all at once just because I missed the opportunity to get something going with certain girls in a timely fashion.