All You Ever Wanted


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get this gear!



Ever want something really bad?  Like when you were a little kid?  For me, it was the Nintendo Entertainment System, the first Nintendo.  I wanted it SO bad.  Unfortunately, its kind of hard to save up for something that costs around $100 when your allowance is just a couple dollars a week.  That means no new toys (or comics) for roughly a year.  I've never had that much patience, so it was a good thing that I got it for Christmas.  

Unfortunately, with a lot of things, the enjoyment we get out of things like that is rarely equal to the desire we have for them.  We spend all this time wanting the object of our desire and then...pffft.  Granted, the NES was pretty much everything I wanted it to be and more (until the SUPER Nintendo came out...heh heh...), but a lot of things seem to be less than we build them up to be.

There is a point to this.  You see, Valentine's Day just passed and I know a lot of people who weren't seeing anyone on this day of romance and couplehood.  This left a lot of them feeling kind of...depressed.  In a rare moment of compassion, I offer this to you and them:  Be happy where you are with what you have.  If you spend all your time wishing you were with someone, by the time you finally hook up, you'll have this picture of what they should be built up in your mind that no one can live up to.  That's not fair to them and, more importantly, its not fair to you.  

Contentment, its not just for ninjas anymore.