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I'm old.

Well, ok, not really OLD, but I feel old.  I'm older than most of the people I hang out with and that's a bit unnerving.  I guess I still haven't shaken that feeling you get growing up that you are SO mature (regardless of whether or not you are...I wasn't...I mean, I'm not) and that EVERYONE younger than you is just slightly better than...well, dirt.  My grandma gives me crap about the clothes I wear because I dress like a teenager, which is true.  It's camouflage.  Sometimes I think I fool people into thinking I'm mature because I'm generally pretty low-key.  That's not maturity, that's laziness.  Get enough caffeine in me and I'll go crazy like Corazon Aquino in a shoe store.

If you were old like me, you'd know who that was.  

I guess a lot of this could be blamed on getting older.  I just had my birthday (woohoo...) and it's like I've got a whole extra year between me and everyone else.  Matthew Mc..Mac...uh...well, he's an actor who's been in movies like The Wedding Planner and A Time to Kill and I can't spell his stupid name...anyway, in Dazed and Confused he said something like "I love high school girls.  I keep getting older and they stay the same age."  That's how I feel, as a semi-non-traditional junior, about the freshmen at U of O!  Well....I mean the part about me being older and them staying the same age.  It's like the people I go to school with keep getting younger!  Next thing you know, I'll been hobbling around on a walker and they'll be in diapers!!  

I'm overreacting.  

They say age is just a number.  Maybe.  But it's also a state of being.  Just because I'm 24 now doesn't make me mature.  Just because someone is fresh out of high school doesn't mean that they're immature.  But that doesn't mean that the converse is true, either.  

One of these days, I'll get over my age.  Probably just after I graduate and start spending time around people who I know nothing, including age, about.  Until then, I'll keep whining about how I'm dating children and my friends will keep calling me a geezer.  I guess it could be worse.  I could be back in high school.