Paying the Piper


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What would you do to get the one thing that means more to you than anything?  Wealth, fame, fortune, the perfect job, the perfect mate...whatever.  What would you be willing to sacrifice?  What if that wasn't enough?  Would you sacrifice all your dreams for this one thing?  Would you give it all away?   then what?  Whatever it is that you want, there will be a price to pay.  If it's worth having, it'll cost a lot.  Maybe it won't cost your hopes and dreams, but maybe it'll cost you years of your life spent aching because that special someone has to go through hell and back with cancer.  Maybe it'll cost you failure after failure until finally you breakthrough and see your name in lights.  Maybe it'll take everything from you before you can have it all.  So what is it worth to you?  Are you willing to pay the price of a dream?